Rehabilitation Practice and Science
Volume 13, Issue 1 (1985) Taiwan Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (TJPMR)
Original Articles
Prosthesis Fitting for Van Nes Rolational Osteotomy in Young Child-casereport
May-Kuen WONG, Jyh-Ren Chen, and Juing-Shong Shih
Rehabilitative Outcome of Amputee
May-Kuen Wong and Jyh-Ren Chen
Quantitative Comparison pf the Effect of Reference Electrode Position in Evoke Compond Muscle Action Potential
Huann Chang, Rai-Chi Chen, and Tao-Chang Hsu
The Relation between Integrated Muscle Activity and Computerized EMG Analysis
I-Ping Liu, Rai-Chi Chen, and Tao-Chang Hsu
The Study of Muscle Weakness in Rheumatoid Arthritis: With Computerized EMG
筱萍 潘, 瑞棋 詹, and 道昌 徐
Functional Rehabilitation in Ankle Sprains
Chrong-Sonq Chou and Tao-Chang Hsu
Patterns of Dyslalia in Mandarin Speakers
Baii-Jia Yang, Shiang-Jiun Lai, and Wen-Ling Liao
Conference Materials
Investigation Reports
The Late Effects of Polio in Taiwan
Chien-jen Liu and Tao-Chang Hsu
Work Value Needs and Job Satisfaction of National Yang Ming Medical College Graduates
Sgu-Fen Huang, Chien-Jen Liu, and Tao-Chang Hsu
Abstracts of Oral Presentation Articles
The Active Role of Arthroscope in Managing Knee Disorders
Y. F. Line and M. H. Jan
Predicting Factors in the Rehabilitation of Cerebral Vascular Diseases
素菁 李, 有雄 韋, and 倚南 連
霖芬 謝, 金鑫 賴, and 倚南 連
紅斑性狼瘡合併左下肢膝下截肢病人之復健 :病例報告
璐 盧, 秋芬 陳, 東初 陳, and 倚南 連
Ocular Problems in Cerebral Palsy
志明 黃, 隆光 林, 素菁 李, and 倚南 連
鈞令 羅, 國德 楊, 自欣 何, and 倚南 連
The Types of Neurogenic Bladder in Different Levels of Spinal Injury
佩蘭 黃, 金鑫 賴, 秋芬 陳, and 倚南 連
信穎 陳, 秋芬 陳, and 倚南 連