
Rehabilitation Practice and Science

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The blackfoot disease is an endemic peripheral vascular disease on the southwestern coast of Taiwan. The initial symptoms are numbness or coldness of one or more of the extremities. In order to see if the sensory nerve conductions were influenced, we measured the radial and/ or sural sensory NCV of the patients in the Tainan Provincial Blackfoot Diseases Center.Within the twenty-five subjects of the radial nerve conduction studies, twenty-two patients had slower NCV and there was one patient whose radial NCV couldn’t be detected; i.e. 92% of the blackfoot disease patients had abnormal radial sensory NCV. Five of twenty-one patients had slower sural NCV and eleven patients didn’t have evoked potentials during the measurements; i.e. 76% of patients had abnormal sural NCV. It seems that the peripheral sensory nerve conductions are involved seriously by the pathological changes of the blackfoot disease.


Traditional Chinese

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