
Rehabilitation Practice and Science


Huey-Jen Lay

Translated Title

Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome併腦膿瘍:病例報告暨文獻回顧


Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) or familial telangiectasia, also called Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome, is an autosomal dominant systemic vascular disorder characterized by recurrent hemorrhage all over the whole body. The estimated incidence is approximately 1 to 2 per 100,000 people. Major clinical manifestations include frequent epistaxis, mucosal telangiectases and visceral arterio-venous malformations. A 74-year-old man diagnosed as Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome was reported. He was operated for brain abscess. The complications included left hemiparesis, seizure and hallucination. He complained of frequent epistaxis since his second decade. Mucous membrane telangiectases, GI bleeding, anemia, dyspnea, and a positive family history were noted. Computed tomography of the chest, abdomen and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain showed multiple angiodysplasia and cyst formation. We emphasize the importance of whole-body vascular screening, which is recommended for all HHT patients and their families, to enhance the long-term medical care and reduce their morbidity and mortality.


Traditional Chinese

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