"The Role of Hula-Hoop Exercise in Training Balance Function of the Eld" by Der-Jiun Yin, Li-Fang Wu et al.

Rehabilitation Practice and Science

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These years, geriatrics is highly regarded because of increase of the elderly population. The weakness of physical functions caused by aging is natural; therefore, the ability of daily life and activity of the elderly degenerate. Mounting evidence of researches showed that the solution for this problem is internal medicine diagnosis in early stage and regular treatment. Moreover, exercise was also an eff-ective method to improve functional activity in the elderly. The major factors of improving functional activity include the nerve system, musculoskeleton system and body balance. The latter has been an important theme for geriatrics recently. In this study, hula-hoop exercise was used by the geriatric team to improve balance function in the elderly. To understand the outcomes of hula-hoop exercise, subcutaneous fat thickness at the level of iliac crest, thigh circumference, trunk flexibility and one leg standing time before and after a three-month course were measured. The results showed that 57% of the elderly had significantly declined subcutaneous fat thickness at iliac crest, extended one leg standing time and increased or maintained trunk flexibility (p<0.05), but thigh circumference didn’t change significantly. These results show that hula-hoop exercise clearly influ-ences trunk flexibility, one leg standing balance, and subcutaneous fat thickness at iliac crest in the elderly.


Traditional Chinese

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