
Rehabilitation Practice and Science

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Intractable hiccup, or chronic hiccup, is a rare manifestation. Although it is not common in the patients with cerebral infarction, the incidence of intractable hiccup seems to be higher in brainstem stroke. Because of intractable hiccup, the patients will be severely affected physically and emotionally during feeding, sleep activities, and even rehabilitation program. Intractable hiccup also results in a lot of complications, such as malnutrition, weight loss, aspiration pneumonia, myofascial pain syndrome, reflux esophagitis and sliding hernia. There are numerous therapies for intractable hiccup recommended through the years, but the effects are variable. Here we discuss more details about the mechanism of hiccups associated with Wallengberg syndrome and the treatments. Therefore the patients could recover as early as possible and the incidence of complications could be decreased.


Traditional Chinese

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