"Ultrasonography contributing to the diagnosis and treatment of ischial" by Fan Mei, Yu-Shan Fu et al.

Rehabilitation Practice and Science


A 59-year-old woman presented with persistent right buttock pain, exacerbated by prolonged sitting due to her occupation in watch repair. Physical examination revealed tenderness at the right ischial tuberosity and frictional melanosis. Ultrasound identified an anechoic, compressible mass in the region, a notable finding given the rarity of such detailed imaging in ischial bursitis cases. We performed ultrasound-guided aspiration and corticosteroid injection, resulting in significant symptom relief. The patient also received recommendations for physical therapy and lifestyle adjustments. Follow-up confirmed resolution of fluid and pain. This case highlights the important role of ultrasound in diagnosing and managing ischial bursitis.

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