
Rehabilitation Practice and Science


Background: Upper extremity deep venous thrombosis (UE-DVT) can occur in younger athletic patients with excessive motion of the upper extremities and anatomical variation[1-2] or relates to central venous catheter (CVC) cannulation and malignancy. However, the possible mechanism, the extension of thrombus from superficial venous thrombosis (SVT) is always forgotten. Herein, we report a case of UE-DVT with concomitant SVT. Case Report: An 81-year-old female presented with a new fever combined with tenderness, redness, swelling in the medial aspect of her left forearm, SVT with phlebitis was confirmed by soft tissue ultrasound (US). However, swelling of the proximal upper arm was noticed at the same time and UE-DVT was confirmed by the Computed tomography angiography. No other possible etiology was found after general survey except the SVT. Conclusion: UE-DVT can be a life-threatening disease if complicated with massive pulmonary embolism. Upper extremity superficial venous thrombosis (UE-SVT) as one of the possible mechanism of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) can be seen in daily clinical practice and may be related to peripheral venous catheter use. Although it seems the chance of concomitant UE-DVT is small, keeping this diagnosis in mind could help avoid the chance of misdiagnosis. In addition, the soft tissue US can be a suitable tool to follow up the thrombus status and the treatment efficacy.


