
Rehabilitation Practice and Science

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Although post-stroke depression is well recognized as a barrier to recovery after stroke, there remains uncertainty about it's prevalence. etiology and associated factors.Sixty one patients admitted to Mackay Memorial Hospital with the first CVA attack and consulted with rehabilitation were studied. Mood assessment was made 2 weeks after stroke with Zung's depression scale. We sued the ZDS score 55 as a cut-off point for depresion and found the prevalence of post- stroke depression is 37.7%. with 13.1% being severe depression. The functional disability is significantly correlated with post-stroke depression, but age, sex. whether medical insurance or not, weakness side and educational level not significantly correlated with it at all. The relationship between lesion location of brain and depression couldn't be drawn from this study due to small sample size. No patients in this study, even apparently severely depressed. received any antidepressant medications. Increased awareness of post-stroke depression by clinican is warranted.


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