
Rehabilitation Practice and Science

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A retrospective review of torticollis was carried out in the present study for total of 114 children. seen at Kee-Lung CGMH between 1985 and 1990, and Lin-Kou CGMH between 1987 and 1990. They were classified as congential muscular torticollis torticollis in 108 cases (94.7%). acute torticollis in 3 cases (2.6%), congenital cervical vertebral anomaly in 2 cases (1.8%). and habitual torticollis in 1 case (0.9%).Only 58 cases (53.7%) of congenital muscular torticollis were available in the follow-up for outcome through chart records and questionaires. In these patients, only 3 of 39 cases that primarily received conservative treatment needed further operative intervention: while in the other 19 cases that were initially initially treated by surgery. 3 cases also required continuous physical therapy after operation. From the results of a specific physical therapy program, there were 25 cases (64.1%) accepted as ”good” and 4 cases as ”fair” in teir outcome. Satisfactory outcome of patient was related to the younger age of patient during his/her first visit for treatment, the milder symptom/sign of the torticollis. 17cases (77.3%) of the surgery group still obtained ”good” results in 3 year time. There was no significant difference between the surgery outcome before and after 1 year old. but the 4 cases that were older than 6 years of age during operation only improved ”fairly”. In the 3 cases of acute torticollis without trauma history. all had the history of upper respiratory infection about 7 to 10 days before the onset of episodes, and they were completely recovered through medications (NSA1D & muscle relaxant) and the usage of cervical collar. The case of habitual torticollis improved significantly after the usage of cervical collar for a period of 6 months. For the other 2 cases of congenital cervical vertebral anomaly, there was no improvement observed. In summary, a close relationship was observed between the method of management for different causes of torticollis and its outcome. Therefore. the appropriate diagnosis and the early initiation of the proper management are extremely vital for the patients.


Traditional Chinese

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