
Rehabilitation Practice and Science

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Ankylosing spondylitis presents various clinical symptoms and signs. It is classified as a seronegative spondyloarthropathy.The diagnosis is based upon radiographic sacroiliitis in the presence of clinical symptoms and signs. Although symptoms may occur anywhere in the spine including the neck, they are usually maximal in the lumbosacral area. Ankylosing spondylitis with its onset from the cervical spine is rare. A typical patient with ankylosing spondylitis develops back pain during the early 20s and the onset is insidious. Here we presents an unusual case with cervical spine involvement initially and relative late onset according to his age. A 40 years old male patient suffered from intractable neck pain for about 4 months. There was no low back pain and the ROM of his lumbar spine was full. X-ray film revealed Grade 4 bilateral sacroiliitis and ankylosing of cervical spine apophyseal joints. Laboratory finding revealed HLA-B27(+), ESR 56mm and Alk P-tase up to 358u/L. His liver function was normal and the echogram of liver showed negative finding. The cause of the high elevated serum Alk Ptase in this patient was to be discussed.


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