
Rehabilitation Practice and Science

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Patients with incomplete spinal cord injury admitted to Chang Gung Memorial Hospital from July 1982 to December 1985 were analysed. Totally , 68 male and 9female patients could be followed up by questionaires. The average age of the was 39.6±9.5years. Among them, 34 cases (44.2%)received primary school education. Traffic accident was the leading cause of injury (37.3%), and falling from height was the second major cause(27.3%). The severity of injury was denoted by Yale Score. There was no statistic correlation between bony lesion and severity of injury. The recovery of bladder function was very good , only one patient need urinary indewling catheterization in discharge. The recovery of bladder function was not parallel to the initial condition or urinary condition on admission. Fifty-seven patients (74.0%)achieved indeppendent ambulation while fifty-eight patients(75.3%)obtained independency in activities of daily living Good prognosis could be expected in these two items when the patient's Yale Scale Score was higher than six. Although incomplete spinal cord injury could exert negative influence on work and income of the patients, there was still forty-nine patients (67.7%)retured to work after rehabilitation. There was 44patients willing to talk about their sexual life. Among them, 12 cases were very satisfied with sexual intercoruse(27.3%), 21cases were fairly satisfied(47.7%), 11cases were not satisfied (25.0%). There was only one patient divorced after injruy.


Traditional Chinese

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