
Rehabilitation Practice and Science

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Six hundred cases of poliomyelitis during the last burst out episode in Taiwan of 1982 were analysed. The age distributions of them were very young in majority, 267 cases were below 1 year old (44.5%), 108cases were 1 year old (18.0%), 67 cases were 2 years old (11.2%).Among them, 253 cases were never received any polio vaccination (42.2%), 186 cases only received vaccination for one time (31.0%), 72 cases received twice (12.0%), 52 cases received 3 times (8.7%), only 20 cases accept complete 4 times vaccination (3.3%). Another 17cases were unsure whether received this vaccination or not (2.8%). It was obvious that most of them were from the lower social economic family (445 cases, 78.8%), 124 cases (20.7%) were form from middle class, only 3 cases (0.5%) were from the upper class. How to convince the lower social economic family to receive complete vaccination program for every child is still very important and difficult especially when this infection had been under controlled for a long period of time. But it is the only one effective way in the prevent ion of burst out tragedy.


Traditional Chinese

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