
Rehabilitation Practice and Science

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Over a 3-year period, 3852 patients with the first stroke were admitted to a medical center in Taiwan, of whom 227 (5.89%) were 15 to 45 years old. The diagnosis of stroke was confirmed by either MRI or CT scan. The incidence was skewed toward the older end of the age range, and men predominated (153/227, 67.4%). The stroke was the hemorrhagic type in 56.3% (128/227) versus the infarction type in 43.7% (99/227), a reversal of the ratio usually seen in patients over 45 years with infarction 64.9% (2500) versus hemorrhage 35.1% (1352). The case-fatality rate was 13.2% (30/227), including 26 patients with hemorrhage and 4 with infarction. Hypertension (62.5%, 80/128) was the most common cause of intra-cerebral hemorrhage, while large-vessel atherosclerosis (30.3%, 30/99) was the most common cause of infarction. However, small-vessel occlusion (29.3%, 29/99), the second most common cause of infarction in the young, was about as equally common as large vessel atherosclerosis (30.3%, 30/99).Strokes, both hemorrhagic and infarction type, were most likely to occur in the summer, especially in August, indicating a clear seasonal predilection for stroke in young patients. This study of stroke in young patients in Taiwan thus demonstrates a slight predominance of hemorrhagic stroke over infarction and a seasonal variation with a higher incidence in summer. The above information provides a basis for further studies of stroke prevention and treatment.


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