
Rehabilitation Practice and Science

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Cubital tunnel syndrome is the common entrapment/compression mononeuropathy diagnosed in the electromyography (EMG) laboratory. Slowing of the elbow segment's motor conduction velocity is a primary identifier of anab normality. The purpose of this study is to compare the difference of the conduction velocity with recording in First Dorsal Interosseous (FDI) and Abductor digiti minimi in cubital tunnel syndrome (CuTS).The subjects included three groups: one study group consist of 24 upper limbs with CuTS which were diagnosed by NCS & needle EMG.. Another two control groups consist of 52 normal upper limbs which were fmther divided into older group (>30 years old) included 27 upper limbs & younger group (<30 years old) included 25 upper limbs. We delivered supramaximal stimulations over the wrist, below elbow, and above elbow on the ulnar nerve and obtained the data of segmental CV of below elbow (BE) and across elbow (AE) from FDI and ADM. The differences of segmenlal CV between BE and AE was compareds in three groups. The results revealed that there is significant difference between study group and two control groups with recording in FDI and ADM. The post-comparison studyshowed that recording from FDI is more sensitive in diagnosing CuTS than that from ADM. Based on this study, if cubital tunnel syndrome is corsidered.


Traditional Chinese

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