
Rehabilitation Practice and Science

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Brachiai plexus injury is commonly seen in rehabilitation clinic. Nerve transplantation and reconstruction surgery cannot improve the function of upper extremity immediately. They need physical and occupational therapy. Shoulder subluxation, pain, functional deficits are common sequelae of these injuries.In the past, shoulder sling had been used to correct shoulder subluxation. However traditional type of shoulder sling does not allow distal wrist and hand to function properly and poor reduction of shoulder subluxation. We designed a modified shoulder sling which consist of a leather belt with a wedge shaped spongy for backward compression and a forearm splint, they connected together by one shoulder crossing belt and two vertical belts. We applied it on 3 patients with traumatic upper brachial plexus injury. These 3 patients all had anterior shoulder subluxation and greater proximal than distal upper extremity weakness. We found that they all had good reduction of subluxation after use of this modified shoulder sling in x-ray study and can make good use of distal wrist and hand. Their affected side can function properly as an asistant hand.


Traditional Chinese

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