
Rehabilitation Practice and Science

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A 53 year-old male patient, who sustained infarction of the right medial frontal lobe with extension into the corpus callosum, demonstrated inattention, slow initiation and left hemiparesis initially. As the strength recovered, forced grasping of the left hand, and intermanual conflict appeared. Besides, left ideomotor apraxia, left constructional apraxia, left apraxic agraphia, and abnormalities of cross-replication of hand posture were detected after specific clinical testing. Most of these deficits improved eight weeks after stroke. In rehabilitation these patients with callosal syndrome, the forced grasping and intermanual conflict should be observed keenly in view of their potential harmfulness. Instead of too much verbal commands , imitation and manipulation of actual objects should be used to improvepraxis. Bimanual activities should be repeatedly practiced to enhance the cooperation of both hands. Independency in activities of daily living and possibility of going back to work depend on the frequency and/or severity of the residual forced grasping and inter-manual conflict.



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